
App Spotlight

APP Spotlight: MYGLUE

How many passwords do you have? Five? Ten? Twenty? Only one? You probably don’t even know for sure. However many passwords you have (unless it really is just one, in which case — we need to talk), remembering all of them is a hassle. Even just coming up with new passwords is a pain! We

2023-11-28T17:14:45+00:00April 29th, 2019|App Spotlight|

App Spotlight: Zoho CRM

Without customers, the world as we know it would not exist. They're the backbones of business! When people think about their most important relationships, their minds probably go to their parents, friends, or partners. In business, it's the one you have with your customers. Maintaining these relationships is an art unto itself, so much so

2023-11-28T17:14:46+00:00April 15th, 2019|App Spotlight, Articles|

APP Spotlight: OneNote

Have you ever had a great idea rumble through your head, only to lose it later because you couldn't write it down? We've all been there. When life comes at you fast, it can be tough to remember everything, from random thoughts and ideas, to off the cuff scribbles, to business and personal to-do’s, to

2023-11-28T17:14:50+00:00January 22nd, 2019|App Spotlight, Articles|

APP Spotlight: Slack

If you’ve spent any time listening to podcasts in the past year, you’ve no doubt heard ads for an app called Slack, the instant messenger slash collaboration hub taking businesses by storm. Like the brainchildren of most tech companies, it’s the product of pivoting — that thing you turn to after the thing you initially

2023-11-28T17:14:53+00:00November 22nd, 2018|App Spotlight, Articles|

App Spotlight: PandaDoc

Have you ever thought about how long it takes you to build a quote or draft a business proposal? Like most business owners or customer relationship managers, you probably haven’t: it’s just something you do, because that’s how it is. While the length of time it takes to create business documents varies wildly industry to

2023-11-28T17:14:55+00:00September 7th, 2018|App Spotlight, Systems|