General IT

6 Ways Managed IT Services Can Help Boost Employee Productivity

Obviously, employee productivity is a critical aspect of any business. When employees are productive, the company sees improved results. This is why it's important to make sure your business has the right tools and technologies in place to help employees ...

7 Habits That Make Business Owners Successful

Every business owner dreams of succeeding in business while maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balanced life. The desire to acquire new markets, satisfy customers, and grow profit margins as quickly as possible may deprive you of time to build your ...

An End of the Year IT Checklist for Your Business

It's officially November, which can only mean two things:  your blood content is now 58% pumpkin spice; 17% whatever the heck eggnog ...

Tech Origin Story: Who Invented the Internet?

You probably don’t think too much about where your internet comes from. If it works, it just works, and you don't really ...

TED Talk: Why you should treat the tech you use at work like a colleague

Have you ever had a coworker who made your life miserable — one whose mere sight would set your pulse racing, and make you wish you could duck like a gopher behind the nearest cubicle wall? These sort of experiences ...

A New Year's IT Resolution Checklist for Your Business

The New Year is a time for celebration. It's an acknowledgement of where we've been, and what's next to come — something new around the corner. The great, big, beautiful unknown. ...

Offboarding an Employee: What Happens When Someone Leaves Your Company?

Whether they’re leaving on good terms or involuntarily, an employee departure is always a precarious time for a company. The exit of someone who was once deeply involved in the day-to-day operations ...

Why Outsource Your IT Department?

In today’s digital economy it’s become increasingly difficult to point out where business ends and technology begins: if you want a seat at the table, it's all the same. But as this line ...

Take Advantage of Our Free IT Evaluation

At JNT TEK, we offer free business IT evaluations, on-site or over the phone. Fill out the form below, and a JNT ...

Automate your Organizational Chart

As companies grow, keeping up with who reports to who and the management chain can be difficult. Many businesses turn to organizational charts to help visualize the structure of the management hierarchy.  Software like Visio or Lucid Charts are great ...



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